Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery results

Draw results

Sat 29 Mar 2025
3 0 7 0 0 9

Matching numbers: You must match the first or last 2 to 6 numbers in a row to win!

Draw winners

Super Draw 🎁

Mx C was selected at random and won a Home Robot Bundle

Top prize 🏆
Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund
Mr B (WORKINGTON) supporting Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund matched 4 numbers and won £250.00
Top prize 🏆
Seaton Academy
Mx M (WORKINGTON) supporting Seaton Academy matched 4 numbers and won £250.00
Second prize
Workington Transport Heritage Trust
Mr G (WORKINGTON) supporting Workington Transport Heritage Trust matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund
Ms P (COCKERMOUTH) supporting Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Allerdale Disability Association
Ms H (WORKINGTON) supporting Allerdale Disability Association matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund
Ms C (WORKINGTON) supporting Allerdale and Lakeland Lottery Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Workington Transport Heritage Trust
Mx H (Whitehaven) supporting Workington Transport Heritage Trust matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Friends of Plumbland CE School
Ms I (Wigton) supporting Friends of Plumbland CE School matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Aspatria Dreamscheme
Mr C (WIGTON) supporting Aspatria Dreamscheme matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Aspatria Dreamscheme
Mr L (WIGTON) supporting Aspatria Dreamscheme matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Aspatria Dreamscheme
Ms B (WIGTON) supporting Aspatria Dreamscheme matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Netherhall RFC
Mx E (MARYPORT) supporting Netherhall RFC matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Owl Blue
Mx M (MARYPORT) supporting Owl Blue matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Cockermouth First Responders
Mx G (Cockermouth) supporting Cockermouth First Responders matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
11th Workington Scout Group
Mx G (WORKINGTON) supporting 11th Workington Scout Group matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets